Sunday, October 5, 2008


Under normal circumstances, only the petrol in an engine is burn and the remainder - in the form of fumes - are pushed out via the exhaust pipe. The Quasar P2 Petrol Additive works by breaking down the oil into smaller molecules, creating more evenness and allowing more molecules to be exposed to oxygen. This raises the rate of combustion to 95% to 98%. Therefore, the Quasar P2 Petrol Additive not only saves you money but also adds power to your engine and makes driving a pleasure. Cleanse injector, spark plugs, carburetor and the fuel transmission system The Quasar P2 Petrol Additive prevents sedimentation of solids and semi solids on the injector, spark plugs, carburetor and the fuel transmission system. It also helps dilute existing semi solids and there by cleans the engine. Saves Petrol By raising combustion of petrol to almost 100%, the additive allows you save 20% to 30% of petrol costs. Moreover, carbon deposits in your vehicle's internal combustion system are gratly reduced

1 comment:

Masagus Ismail Nurianda On the Blog said...

wah mas...

mas tinggal d mana???

hehe kalo bisa mah sekalian kirimin sampel oli nya juga dong...


harga nya berapa tuh additive nya??

bisa menaikkan berapa RON???

saya yang dari

baru aktif ngblog lagi nih hehe...


saya lagi coba bandingin octane booster mana paling oke..

saya sudah coba top1 dan spark,

thx maz

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